Creating a Sacred Space for Shamanic Drumming

When using our Shamanic Drum, we are often doing so for healing, guidance, prayer, or to connect with something deeper within ourselves or beyond ourselves. Sometimes this intention may be explicit and clear to us, but sometimes it is unspoken and calls us to pick up the Drum. It is important to hold such sacred work within Sacred Space.

For some people, sacred space is a physical place, including such things as an altar in their room, or a space in the land that is fed by their offerings and prayers. However, a Sacred Space does not need to be a physical space, it is more about a shift from our mind into a state of consciousness or awareness that allows us to connect with the unseen world, to speak to and be heard by, and hear the guidance of spirit.

Why we create a sacred space

A Sacred Space allows us to step out of the busyness and pace of our everyday lives, and step into a space where we are grounded, connected, and centred. Within this Sacred Space more open in our consciousness, out of our head and into our hearts and our body.

It is a chance to call to those unseen that you are wanting present to help with the healing or to hear your prayer. A chance to honour and acknowledge those spirit allies and beings that are connected with you and give you so much support. 

It is also a chance to be explicit about why you are drumming and a good opportunity to concentrate clearly on the intention and focus of the energy raised during the drumming.

How to create a sacred space

Firstly, one way of preparing yourself and your mind is to create some order in the place that you are in. If it is possible, clear away some clutter and distractions, turn off televisions, radios, laptops, and clear away litter where possible. 

If you tend to practice smudging, it is good to start with this, to call on the help and healing of the plant spirits to clear away any energies that will be distracting from yourself and your space and your intention. 

Intention and prayer:  as mentioned above, we often have an unconscious drive to pick up our Drum, and creating your Sacred Space is a good chance at the start to just take a moment. Take a few breaths to just think about your intention, think about our reason and focus for this period of drumming, and hold that in your mind and your heart.. 

Next, turn to each of the directions to welcome the Spirits of that direction and the elements associated with it. You may have a set prayer for this that you have developed or that you have been taught but personally, I begin calling to the East and the element of Air, then to the south and the element of Fire, then the West and the element of Water, and finally to North and the element of Earth. While doing so, call on your guides and your ancestors to join you and be present with you. 

Now, holding that intention in your mind and your heart, and feeling the presence of all those unseen guides and guardians, Drum, and let the drumming be free and inspired. Let the beat arise naturally, and continue as long as you feel the need to, finishing when it naturally feels right to.

When you finish, enjoy a moment of silence, let the rhythm of the drum be absorbed into your being, and take a few deep breaths. 

To close the space, thank and acknowledge all of those beings that you welcomed at the start, and any others that you felt or that spoke to you during your time drumming, and turn, once again, to each direction, thankfully and bidding farewell to the directions. 

To learn more about working with your shamanic drum, take a look at the Spirit of the Drum online course. 


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